Friday, March 26, 2010


Happy 28 weeks! I had a doctors appointment on Wednesday morning after my glucose test, which by the way, came back normal, and no, i'm not going to tell my doctor i threw up.  I gained half a pound since my last appointment 3 weeks ago.  So that brings the grand total to 3 1/2 pounds gained throughout this pregnancy.  The doctor said my weight is fine and I'm measuring fine so I guess there is no cause for concern.  While i was at the appointment I signed my labor consent form.  I consented to a c-section if neccesary and an anesthesia epidural.  It was pretty weird to realize this is all really happening. I've been pregnant for so long I just assumed I would stay this way forever. As i was checking out and making my next appointment the receptionist mentioned how fast this month is going.  Tom agreed with her and I stood there in shock like "What is the matter with both of you??" I can't believe it is still March.  This month has felt like 4 months put together. I can't get out of this month no matter what I do.  The days are so long and tiring and filled with peeing and peeing and peeing. 

I took off work today to get away from the madness of the same old thing everyday.  Tom stayed home with me.  We slept, we went to lunch, we grocery shopped and he worked on Lauren's room while i ate fruit and cookies. Even outside of work this day is taking longer than a regular day.  I'm absolutely positive something has happened to my body causing time to slow down for me but no one else.  I wonder if this is a pregnant thing.  I'm so tired of people saying how close I am to my due date and how "Before you know it she'll be here". 3 months is a really really long time. 

Honestly Impatient,

1 comment:

Penny in Pink said...

It must be a pregnancy thing. I'm stunned at how long March has been and yesterday my husband commented on how fast it's gone by! I think time slows down when you're anxiously awaiting something. Hang in there (because really, we are quite near the end).