Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Work is stupid

I stayed home from work today for a few reasons:
Reason #1: nightmares about being raided with air bombs while trying to breastfeed Lauren outside in the garden
Reason #2: work is stupid
Reason #3: sticky gooey phlegm
Reason #4: my jaw needs a rest from all the talking and my ears need a rest from all the complaining

There's days I wake up and working just seems like the most inhumane ridiculous waste of time. I can't bring myself to even go there in my mind let alone actually physically get dressed and go. It seems so crazy to me that we work more than we are home. Aren't we working so that we can have a life outside of work? I don't feel like I have time for one. I was in bed last night at 930 and that was when I aimed to go to bed at 9 and just got caught up making lunch for tomorrow, ironing clothes and getting ready for bed. How am I going to make time for this baby? It seems utterly impossible. To be able to wake up earlier to take this child to daycare will make me have to go to bed sooner. So that makes me getting home at 630 and going to bed at 8. What kind of life is that?? Seriously. Someone please tell me how you manage work, sleep and have a life.

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