Monday, April 19, 2010

I'm back!

My computer is finally fixed. It's been quite a while since I've been able to get on here. Not much has really happened. In the midst of going from one hormonal rage to the next I found a pediatrician, completed my hospital pre-registration and completed a baby class at the doctor's office as well as a freaky animated video about birth from the hospital. I suppose those things are made to ease your anxiety but all it did was scare me more. I'm so on edge about giving birth and losing sleep that I am jumpy and anxious pretty much 95% of the time. Tom seems to think that it's fair because he has to die first so that's why I have to give birth. Well, if I don't kill him first, he may live forever. That's the most ridiculous comparison I've ever heard. No one knows when they are going to die except those lucky few who commit suicide. Maybe they were just too freaked out to be parents. Well, I am getting pretty close to sympathizing with them.... but not quite yet.

I'm still pretty small for being almost 9 months pregnant (8 months in stupid real world counting). Everyone keeps telling me their words of comfort "don't worry you'll probably blow up at the end". Boy, humans real know how to pass on the serenity. I have a doctors appointment in 2 days and we'll see how much weight I've gained, if any. This is my last monthly check up and I then move on to the bi-weekly check ups, which on an unpregnancy related note, should mean twice a week since bi-annual means twice a year. But who am I to correct the English language? Somehow this makes sense to america.

So I am having crib issues.  I was given a crib and i believe it is missing some hardware to put it together.  If anyone has a Bergamo or Jardine crib and you still have contact information to order a manual or missing parts please let me know. We spent so much time priming and painting this crib white that it would be a shame to have to go out and buy a crib after all our hard work.  And by "our" hard work, I basically mean "Tom's" hard work.  Thanks Preggo friends.


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