I went to Target last night and started my registry. I tried to be very conscience of the organic and BPA free options. I researched like crazy before going to Target as to what I will need on this registry. I made a list of all the items that experienced mom blogs gave me. There was some stuff I never thought of like a thermometer, knit hats and nail clippers. But i pretty much knew about everything else i would need. I just needed to organize it in my mind and that i needed help with. I didn't want to walk into the store and be overwhelmed and feel like i was forgetting things. I picked a few basic clothing necessities in sizes 0-3 and 3-6 just in case Little Lauren decides to come out as Big Lauren. Just pajamas, gowns, onsies, socks, booties and mittens. I'll wait till she's born to stock up on baby clothes and try to live off of hand me downs and used clothing at first. But I'm sure people will buy me some new outfits at the shower whether I register for them or not. I also found a travel mini pack-n-play thingy for $45 on clearance so I had to buy that immediately. I think I will use it as a bassinet beside my bed. Tom and I also picked out a pink paint color for her room. He's going to wait till spring to start painting. We also went to Joanne fabrics and returned the pink striped fabric we bought to make curtains the day we found out we were having a girl. We didn't buy enough and it's now discontinued. So instead I bought a bunch of different girly fabric including cupcake patterns and I will make her a quilt with the sewing machine I got for Christmas. I can't wait to get back into practice with this sewing machine so I can start quilting!! I picked pink cupcakes as her room theme. I won't go overboard (i hope) but i love the cuteness of a cupcake. Its so girly and pink and soft and sweet. I can't wait to start decorating.
So...... Lauren has been wiggling and jiggling around in my belly and i can definitely feel it every day now. She's like the jello commercial "wigglin jigglin spree!!" Her kicks are so soft and delicate at this point. I don't feel them unless i am sitting still and they don't last very long. She just does a quick dance and then i assume (in my mind) that it's enough to tire her out and she falls asleep. I can't wait until I feel her more regularly and with more strength. I want Tom to be able to feel his little daughter in my belly. I can't feel it from the outside yet. I can't wait for that moment to see the look on his face when he feels the first kick. I don't have a moment where i felt a first kick because I was never sure whether or not it was really a kick. So for that, I am jealous.
Well I have a big day of peeing and burping ahead of me. I better get crackin!!
(PS I've already peed 6 times and it's not even 10 am!)
Honestly Pregnant,