Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"Your boobs are HUGE"

So last night I was proudly applying my nightly layer of Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm when my husband looked over and stared with the widest eyes I've ever seen. I felt his eyes and looked up "what?" I said. To which he replied "Your boobs are HUGE!". It probably was enhanced by the layer of thick shea butter I was rubbing all over them. I felt bad for the poor guy. Sorry buddy.... as soon as this placenta moves away from my cervix, I'm all yours. Well of course, that probably won't be for another four and a half months.... oh yeah and then six weeks of healing time after that. But don't think you're the only one suffering here.

If you're not familiar with placenta previa. I suggest you learn because it could very well happen to you someday, if you're pregnant of course. Typically when you conceive, the placenta latches on to the upper part of your uterus. This is the organ your hormones make out of thin air all on it's own. The umbilical cord is the lifeline that goes from the placenta to your darling little guy/girl inside. But in rare cases this will attach to the lower part of your uterus and either completely or totally cover your cervix making it impossible to deliver naturally. You with me so far? Cuz here's the best part, due to the location it is very important that you do not irritate the cervix because all kinds of bleeding and premature labor can happen. So no lifting, no strenuous exercise, no sex. In most cases the expanding of the uterus will stretch like a balloon and since the placenta is anchored, it will move as the stretching occurs and it generally moves away from the cervix before delivery. I've had two ultrasounds and mine has not moved at all. But like I said I'm only halfway. I have plenty of time. It's pretty scary actually when you look up the true medical explanation of this condition. But at the moment I'm just bummed about the things I am forbidden to do. Another reason this kid should be sent to the naughty corner directly after she's born.
Honestly Pregnant,

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