My sciatic pain has eased up quite a bit....thankfully. With that pain gone this pregnancy has been much easier to tolerate. I can actually say I'm starting to enjoy feeling her squirm around and kick. They are still very light kicks and light squirms but they are getting a little bit stronger everyday and I feel her move more and more. At this point, other than the mild sciatic pain, I'm in a really good happy pregnant place for once. I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly preggo check-up and I lost another pound! I'm down 3 pounds from my first prenatal visit. Not a good thing this far in but not terrible either. It's only a few pounds. My doctor was like "WHY ARE YOU LOSING WEIGHT?" But I didn't have an answer. Sorry doc. After I left the appt though I thought about it and realized that I was so concerned about getting proper nutrition to my body that I accidentally went on a diet. Now, I am making no apologies for eating well. But I found the explanation at least. Instead of coke I'm drinking water. Instead of large foaming yummy starbucks lattes, I am drinking tiny drops of coffee. Instead of rum and vodka on the weekends, again water. I'm eating well rounded meals. I'm going easy on the butter and sauces. And I'm just trying to feed my body the healthiest foods possible. So again I make no apologies. It's for the better. It's not that I'm not eating. It's just that I stopped overeating and I cut out junk because who needs junk anyway?
The doctor also ordered another ultrasound for me. The tech didn't get a clear picture of the heart chambers last month so we have to repeat it. I started panicking in the office but she said she was pretty sure she just didn't get the right position to see it. She also said my placenta hasn't moved one bit. So I'm still on pelvic rest and we have to have another ultrasound at 28 weeks and if it hasn't moved by then, they'll check again at 36. And then they'll check again at 37 just to be sure and send me for a c-section immediately. So Laurens birthday could potentially be aprox May 27. I'm not happy about taking my child out of the womb before 40 weeks. I feel even though she won't be considered a premie that it will put her at a higher risk for immunity issues. It makes me even more fearful of vaccines. Good thing my "vaccine book" just came in the mail so I can get to reading so I can make the best choices on when and what brands to give her of each vaccine. I do want her to be vaccinated after all. I just don't want all the vaccine side effects just for possible or partial immunity for diseases that are rare and aren't fatal. I know some are quite serious but rubella, flu, chicken pox? Come on! We all had chicken pox!!! Ok.... I'll wait to rant till I read the book so I can make an informed decision.
But for now, I am thankful for a period of time with no horrible pregnancy symptoms. I am even more thankful for a baby that is measuring perfectly and jumping around in my belly everyday.
Honestly pregnant,
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