Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What i didn't expect

I've been having some back pain the past few days. It seems to be fine in the morning and starts creeping up on me after hours and hours in my office chair. By the time I'm home it's pretty bad but tolerable. All the books say the back pain will just keep increasing until delivery. That sucks more than anything. It's different from the sciatic pain I had briefly in the second trimester. That pain only hurt while standing or walking and it was in my butt not my back. This pain hurts most while laying on my side or standing. For the past couple nights I have layed on my side on the couch and it just feels like my back is bending into my body. The only relief is when I get up and change positions and then after 5 mins it's back. I'm trying to be tough because it's only going to get worse from here. I can't imagine what i would feel like had i gained 15-20 pounds like a typical pregnant woman.  I dont think my back pain is from my belly though.  It's from the relaxin hormone I assume.  For the next 2 and a half months I'm sure I'll just continue to get more and more uncomfortable and continue to grow bigger.

I got "what to expect the first year" book and started reading that. I was in the middle of "the vaccine book" but I couldn't stop crying about all the poison and side effects for diseases that are for the most part, eradicated. So I couldn't handle that anymore. I'll pick it up soon and power myself through it. Or I might just keep it as a reference guide to help me pick brands and combo vaccine choices. So I was reading "what to expect..." And it basically suggested I buy hardly any clothes for my newborn baby. I thought it was ridiculous!!! My baby needs to look cute even if she is going to throw up all over herself. The book suggested 2 nice outfits, a couple sweaters, pajamas and a buttload of plain onsies. I think she should wear cute stuff even if she is going to be home all day. I mean, I'm pretty much going to be taking pictures and videos of her 24/7 so she shouldn't look the same every day, right? Right.

I've been surprised by a few things lately that, of course, no one bothers to tell you about pregnancy until it's too late.  Here's what i've found:

-Only 1 out of 10 women actually experience their water break before getting to the hospital
-Epiduals can make your entire body itch
-Your newborn baby basically eats nothing for the first 4 days because your milk doesnt come in right away
-You can't submerge a baby in water until the umbilical cord falls off
-You can have contractions long before your due date

I'm sure i'll have more to add to the list but those were pretty shocking to me. 


Unknown said...

The back pain is normal. Your growing belly is actually pulling your spine inward. The itching with the epidural is rare, it seems to be more common with a spinal. I didnt have any itching and I had both. The first few days your baby is getting colostrum until your milk comes in and they eat like every 2 hours when you breast feed. And contractions before you are actually in labor is more common in subsequent pregnancies not as much in your first. As for the lots of clothes part. I say go for it, this is your baby and you have the right to dress her however you want! They usually do go through alot of clothes in the beginning but there is nothing wrong with a baby fashion show!

Maggie May said...

You look marvelous! Congrats on your little one :) I'm just 6 weeks along with my third and very excited.